Business & Management

Business and management roles are continuing to grow, with an estimated 1.9 million new managers needed in the UK by 2024. This creates a variety of activities for ambitious and skilled individuals. The huge range of opportunities within business & management span across all sectors, with almost every organisation in the world requiring individuals with skills in areas such as human resources, marketing, law and team management.



As a college, we offer a range of business & management courses at a variety of different levels, from Level 5 up to Level 9 (degree level) to prepare you for employment within this industry. Our unique degree offering with Edinburgh Napier University Business School means you can complete your full degree at West Lothian College and progress directly to Edinburgh Napier if you want to complete your Honours or Masters degree. 

We have excellent links with local employers and related organisations, and we use these relationships to benefit our students by bringing in knowledgeable speakers from the industry.  Our previous business & management students have received sessions from Bridge 2 Business, Kidzeco, Converge Challenge, Genius Foods and the Citizens Advice Bureau.

As a college, we know that not all learning takes place within a classroom or college setting. We take our students out to various different organisations and settings, with previous students visiting the Sheriff Court, Edinburgh Napier University, Diageo, IKEA, Thorntons and Innoflate. Some of our previous students have also had the opportunity to travel abroad, with students getting the opportunity to apply for a one year scholarship at Clark College in Washington State, USA.  

Many of our business & management students also complete a placement to allow them to build the skills and experience needed to excel in their future career. Previous students have had the opportunity for work placements within Barclays, Children’s Hearings Scotland Training Unit, Quality Scotland and Neil’s Hugs.   

Business student Leanne Armit describes her college experience in this video

See a testimonial from Business student Cameron McIntosh here.