Applicant FAQs
We know that applying for a course can be a daunting experience, but we want to make it as easy as possible for you. We know you'll have some questions, you'll find some of the ones we are asked most often and their answers below.
Applicant FAQs
We know that applying for a course can be a daunting experience, but we want to make it as easy as possible for you. We know you'll have some questions, you'll find some of the ones we are asked most often and their answers below.
All entry requirements can be found on the website. Should you wish to discuss in more detail please contact Admissions on 01506 427605/427835 or email
You should go to the College website and click on the course you would like to apply for. You should then scroll down to the bottom of the page and click on “Apply for this course today” link. Once we receive your application, we will send you an acknowledgement email with more information.
You can only apply for one full-time course at any one time - if you wish to apply for another course, you must first withdraw from your original choice. If you are applying for a schools course, you can apply for two courses (one Tues/Thurs course and one Friday). For our part-time course, you can apply/enrol for up to three courses, provided their timetables do not clash.
You can also combine the above rules. For example. if you are at school, you could apply for one full-time course, two schools courses and three part-time courses.
For more information, email
As a result of Coronavirus (Covid-19), there may be a delay in processing your application and you will likely have to wait longer than our usual 2 week period to be informed of the outcome of your application, or any interview arrangements.
We appreciate your patience during this time.
As a result of Coronavirus (Covid-19), we are no longer carrying out face-to-face interviews. Alternative interview arrangements will be made (which may include a phone interview) and you will be informed of these by email.
See our Fees, Funding and Finance section for more details.