Freedom of Information

The Freedom of Information (Scotland) Act 2002 gives you new rights to ask for and to be given information from public authorities in Scotland.  This includes this College.

You can ask us for recorded information about anything including information held on paper or electronically.  If we hold that information we will supply it as long as it is not subject to one of the exemptions in the Act.

A copy of the Publication Scheme is also held within the Library at West Lothian College.  The Publication Scheme provides access to information we routinely publish and notes how you can access other information.

You can find out more about your rights on the website of the Scottish Information Commissioner.

The Freedom of Information Policy, Procedure and Publication Scheme can be downloaded as a PDF by clicking the links below:

Freedom of Information Policy

Freedom of Information Procedure

Model Publication Scheme 


Complaints Policy and Procedure

Privacy Notice for Complaints

Summary of College Complaints 2015-16

Summary of College Complaints 2016-17

Summary of College Complaints 2017-18

Summary of College Complaints 2018-19 

Summary of College Complaints 2019-20

Summary of College Complaints 2020-21

Summary of College Complaints 2021-22

Summary of College Complaints 2022-23

Summary of College Complaints 2023-24

To make a complaint please follow: How to make a complaint