Interview Tips

Most of our helpful hints and tips will still apply to you and you can find them below. 


So you've sent in your application and you've been asked to participate in an interview for your course! You are one step away from being a West Lothian College student. So here are some tips to help you prepare.

Research your course: By reading up on what your course entails you will be better placed to answer any questions you are asked and you may end up with a few questions of your own

Test your connection and phone: make sure your camera (if applicable), audio or phone are working and people can hear you

Be ready: if you have been given a slot where someone will call you make sure your phone is charged and you are available in a quiet space to talk. If you are undertaking a virtual interview make sure your clothing is appropriate for an interview and you are in a well lit and suitable area where possible

Be professional: An interview for College is great practice for when you eventually apply for that dream job you have worked so hard to attain. Be enthusiastic show them why you are ideal for the course. You want to stand out in a positive way!

Be reflective: Many of the questions you will be asked will look for you to give examples of past experiences. For example: Can you remember a time where you had to work as part of a team? Questions like these are a great opportunity to sell yourself

Be You! Don’t be afraid to sell yourself. Tell them what you’re good at and what you plan to do. In the same breath be honest about where you struggle. Everyone has weaknesses and being able to recognise them is a strength in itself

While every interview is different there are several questions which will feature in most interviews:

What made you apply to West Lothian College?

This is your chance to show that you have researched the courses available at the college and explain why you chose West Lothian College. Did you come to one of our open evenings and speak to staff about a course you were interested in? Is it because the college is close by? Do you want to return to education after a break?  There are no wrong answers so don’t worry. Everyone has their own reasons for applying. We just want to know yours!             

What are you hoping to gain from the course?

This gives the college staff an idea of what you are looking to do whether it be work your way through college into employment or ultimately further study.

Where do you see yourself in five years?

This isn’t a trick question! You may not know yet and that’s fine but you may have a plan set out and that is also fine just be honest.

Do you have any questions for me?

Aim to have at least two or three questions prepared. They could be about the course or tutors, or maybe you want to follow up on something mentioned at the open day. Write questions down before you go to the interview so you can refer to them. If by chance they have answered all your questions during the course of the interview, tell them that.