A nationwide survey with the aim of collating the responses of the Construction and engineering sector has been launched to find out what the future training and development needs are of these critical sectors. In addition, the study seeks to highlight the barriers to accessible training.
Construction is a key sector that contributes significantly to the economic growth of a nation. The Construction Industry tends to be an investment-led sector where governments show high interest with contracts awarded to develop infrastructure related to housing, health, transport as well as the education sector.
Alongside the Construction, industry is the Engineering sector who help to develop the physical infrastructure we all rely on – transport networks, roads, bridges, water and energy supplies, and waste management etc.
It is vital that colleges provide training and qualifications that help drive the success of the two sectors by listening and providing appropriate learning opportunities.
Funded by Edinburgh and South East Scotland City Region Deal (ESESCDR) as part of the Housing, Construction and Infrastructure (HCI) partnership. Colleges in Scotland are seeking to carry out a needs analysis of both areas through a short survey that will then be analysed, and the outcome reported to the HCI Board.
- The survey can be accessed here and will take around 4 minutes to complete.
This will then allow colleges to respond and adapt their offering to ensure that companies can upskill their current workforce and ensure that new recruits have the knowledge and understanding required to enter the world of Construction and engineering.
The survey is open now and closes on the 4th December with results being published by the end of March 2021.
Graham Clark, Faculty Director of Computing, Engineering and Built Environment at West Lothian College said:
“This is a great opportunity which will allow us to identify any gap areas and industry needs which as a college we can address, whether that be specific upskilling or delivery of short courses.”
As a thank you for participating in the survey all participants, who leave their contact details, will be entered into our prize draw for a £50 Amazon Voucher – Good luck!
- The survey can be accessed here and will take around 4 minutes to complete.