West Lothian signs up to Young Person’s Guarantee
An innovative new scheme aims to help West Lothian young people find work, education or training opportunities.
West Lothian Council and West Lothian College are supporting the new national £60 million Young Person’s Guarantee scheme, by committing to ensuring that everyone aged between 16 and 24 has the opportunity of work, education or training.
The Guarantee aims to give all young people in Scotland the chance to succeed despite the economic impacts of coronavirus (COVID-19)
Organisations backing the Guarantee make five pledges to help young people at this critical time:
• prepare young people for the world of work through work experience, volunteering and work-based learning opportunities
• engage with and provide opportunities to young people who face barriers to work
• create work-based learning, training and upskilling opportunities for young people
• create jobs and opportunities for young people through apprenticeships, paid internships and work experience
• create an inclusive workplace to support learning and enable young people to meet their potential
Executive councillor for development and transport Cathy Muldoon said: “We want every young person in West Lothian to have the best opportunities possible, so we are delighted to sign up to the Young Person’s Guarantee scheme.
“All the evidence points to young people being some of the worst affected by the Covid-19 pandemic, and we have to do everything we can to support them.
“I hope to see as many West Lothian business who can sign up to play their part in the scheme as we all play our part in helping the new generation develop their prospects.”
To find out how your business can benefit from Young Person’s Guarantee scheme and other support to create and grow your business in West Lothian, please email investinwestlothian@westlothian.gov.uk.
Jackie Galbraith, Principal at West Lothian College added “My message to young people in West Lothian is don’t despair. West Lothian College is completely on board with the Young Person’s Guarantee and will help connect you to an opportunity that’s right for you. Please get in touch with us to find out what’s available.”
Further information on the Young Person’s Guarantee is available on the www.youngpersonsguarantee.scot website.
The Young Person’s Guarantee was one of the main recommendations of the Advisory Group on Economic Recovery.
The £60 million Young Person’s Guarantee is part of a total of £100 million for employment support and training announced by the Scottish Government to tackle employment challenges. £10 million of this will be used to support a range of measures to recruit and retain apprentices.