West Lothian College to take part in exciting international project.


Project Sustainability is an Erasmus + funded project that will bring together schools and colleges from across Europe to promote awareness and engagement with the protection of the environment and the relevance of sustainability to our society going forward.

Erasmus+ is the EU Programme in the fields of education, training, youth and sport for the period 2014-2021. West Lothian College aims to help close the attainment gap through its Erasmus+ projects

Project Sustainability will enable learners to share good practice but also to compare and bring back the best ideas from schools and fellow learners across Europe.

West Lothian College will actively contribute to the work of the project as we seek to raise youth awarenesss of the issues around sustainability and the importance of looking after the planet for future generations

Daniel Evans from West Lothian College said: “Sustainability Empowered by Young Europeans is a brilliant project for West Lothian College to be involved with. Our learners are already involved in numerous projects and initiatives to lower the carbon footprint and save the planet for the future. As part of this project learners at the College aged 16-19 including those who attend from school will be able to apply to travel to Denmark, Germany, Spain and Greece to see what happens elsewhere and build their knowledge and experience to bring home and share with their peers. The project will produce a full report highlighting best practice from across Europe and the the young people involved will produce plans and recommendations to be considered for implementation by all partners.”