West Lothian College support European Social Media Entrepreneurship Project

West Lothian College is delighted to be the managing partner in a new 2 year European project - Gen Z - Developing Competencies and Opportunities for Social Media Entrepreneurship.

Other partners are based in England, Cyprus, Greece, Ireland, Spain, Portugal and Poland.

There is a new generation that demands our focus and attention.   Generation Z, born after 1995 is starting to grow up and enter the workforce, they are not only technically savvy but also expect technology to be a natural and frequent part of learning, work and everyday life.  Generation Z are therefore more poised to become the most entrepreneurial generation ever.  This entrepreneurial energy has the potential to provide huge economic benefit for businesses that are willing to embrace it.  Our young people literally represent our economic future and we must provide them with the appropriate platforms and support.

The project partners will collaborate to identify current best practice, develop curriculum to support Social Media Entrepreneurship for vocational learners, develop a "train the trainer" resource and develop a digital learning hub for both learning and teaching.   

Daniel Evans, Head of Commercial and Enterprise at West Lothian College commented:

"We are delighted to be leading this exciting Erasmus+ project, which will help delivery staff meet the challenge of supporting the next generation of College learners to successful careers. The years to come will see entrepreneurship and in particular social media based entrepreneurship emerge as the leading employment destination. This is something the current generation of educators have little exposure to and this project will build awareness, knowledge, capacity and experience. International collaboration is a great way to learn from each other and collectively build curriculum. I am excited and energised by the work of the project and the impact it will have on our future learners."