West Lothian College students serve up dinner at prestigious event


Professional Cookery and Events students from West Lothian College recently had the opportunity to gain valuable work experience through working at a prestigious Hospitality Industry Trust (HIT) Scotland luncheon event at the Sheraton Hotel in Edinburgh. 

Hospitality Industry Trust (HIT) Scotland is a unique charity for the hospitality industry in Scotland, encouraging the development of anyone working or studying in the sector. Led and supported by the same industry it serves, HIT Scotland offers opportunities to broaden skills and grow personally through their inspirational scholarship programme. This is all made possible through industry support and sponsorship of fundraising events and outdoor challenges. These events also offer everyone a chance to network with their industry community in a fun and relaxed way.

Each year, West Lothian College students are invited to help with the preparation and execution of this event, catering for 450 guests, all of whom have some connection with this diverse and ever-changing hospitality industry.

12 lucky Level 5 Professional Cookery students had the good fortune of helping in the kitchen on Tuesday and Friday and 6 HNC Events students worked along with Lux Events organising and participating in the fundraising activities.

On the first day the cookery students got their first taste of butchery within a large hotel. Students were preparing whole rabbits, chickens, quails and haunches of wild venison, to produce the Game Terrine which would be served as the starter for the HIT Scotland Luncheon.

On the day of the event (Friday), most of the plating and preparations had been finished for the lunch function so students got to help with the chefs from the One Square Restaurant.

The events students were at the forefront of the fundraising activities during icebreaker games, raffles and auctions helping to raise a total of over £67,000.

Margaret Forisky from West Lothian College said: “This was a fantastic occasion for our professional cookery and events students. Gaining experience at such a prestigious event brings proficiency and an understanding of work in this fast paced industry.

Over the years, West Lothian College has built up a great working relationship with the Sheraton and we have to thank them for the invitation for our students to come and gain valuable experience.

By the end of the two days our students got a real insight into the reality of what it takes to make it in the industry and I hope that they will take this experience forward in both their learning and their future career.”