West Lothian College offers STEM Scholarships to students

West Lothian College are offering two STEM Scholarships to applicants of STEM courses in 2020/21, supported by the Tam Dalyell STEM Legacy Fund.
The Tam Dalyell Scholarship is supported through generous donations to West Lothian College by the family of the late Sir Tam Dalyell (August 1932 – January 2017). The Scholarships are in the 2nd year of operation at the college and were very well received by 2 students in 2019. Find out more about the winners by visiting: STEM Scholarship winners 2019
Born in Edinburgh, Tam trained to be a teacher at Moray House College in Edinburgh before taking up a teaching post at Bo'ness Academy for three years. He was elected and became a Labour Member of Parliament for West Lothian in June 1962 and then from 1983 he represented the constituency of Linlithgow. In 2001, he became Father of the House as the longest continuous serving MP and after 43 years serving as an MP he stood down from Parliament in 2005.
He had a life-long passion for education and science becoming a columnist for New Scientist magazine in 1969 and being elected as Rector of the University of Edinburgh in 2003.
The Tam Dalyell Legacy fund has also helped support the STEM Olympics which was held in local primary schools with the finals at West Lothian College. Read more about the STEM Olympics here: STEM Olympics
Working with the family, the college are offering these scholarships to support and recognise students’ commitment to pursuing their studies on STEM programmes.
The college will offer two scholarships of £500 each, to be used to help the support the study of STEM subjects for students. One Scholarship is available to all students, whilst the Women into STEM scholarship is available only to female applicants.
Check the eligibility criteria here: STEM Scholarship Eligibility
Download the application form here: STEM Scholarship application form
Download the reference form here:STEM Scholarship reference form
Deadline for applications to be submitted is noon on Friday 2 October 2020.
All application and reference forms should be submitted to marketing@west-lothian.ac.uk
If you are thinking about applying for a STEM course at West Lothian College, now is your chance to be eligible for a STEM scholarship. Apply for a course here: 2020/2021 full-time courses
Find out more about STEM at West Lothian College here: STEM