West Lothian College moves courses online

After all face-to-face teaching stopped due to the closure of its Livingston campus following government advice on the Coronoavirus, West Lothian College is continuing to support students online where possible.
The college’s top priority is making sure students have access to their course materials and their lecturers online. College IT staff repurposed nearly 100 college laptops and distributed them to students who don’t have a computer at home, helping to ensure that no student was disadvantaged and unable to complete their work.
Lecturers have worked hard to get lessons online through uploading coursework, answering questions by email, or even live-streaming lectures.
Childhood Practice lecturer, Julie Brechin said: “I’ve just finished a 40-minute interactive live feed with my Pathways to Working with Children and Young People class. They had been sent the PowerPoint presentation prior to the feed and they then interacted through the message system which I responded to live. Now they have a video to watch on YouTube and a poster to make. The feedback from students was very positive, and they felt that they were involved in the learning process.”
Chef lecturers have been posting cooking demonstrations for students to practice. Chef lecturer, Andy McDougall said: “I have been filming cookery demonstrations from home for students, building on the learning that has taken place in the kitchens, to aid students with their progression and enhance their skills. I’m then available for any questions or further discussions with all students.”
The whole college is pulling together to ensure we can continue to support all students to achieve their potential, and staff are going above and beyond to make sure this happens.