West Lothian College launches extended counselling service for students

HNC Digital Creative Media

Students at West Lothian College can now access free counselling sessions to help them cope with these difficult times.

Any student can ask for up to six counselling sessions with a qualified counsellor who is British Association for Counselling and Psychotherapy (BCAP) registered. While the college buildings remain closed, counselling sessions will be offered online through video, audio or text chat.

These sessions will enable students to discuss any problems they’re having with adjusting to the new way of living and will allow them work through these issues with qualified professionals.

Access and Support Service Leader Lorna Jenkins said: “We’re really pleased to be able to offer our expanded counselling service at this time as life for a lot of people is really challenging at the moment. Many of us are feeling alone, isolated or unsure of what the future holds so having a counselling available where these issues can be discussed is really valuable.”

The college’s student support team are also working hard to provide students with learning support, and help with personal and emotional difficulties. They can be contacted through Facebook, Twitter and by email at supportlearning@west-lothian.ac.uk, or if you already know a member of the team you can contact their individual email address as usual.

The college also recently joined the Big White Wall, a support service for students that provides 24/7 mental health support and guidance with a group of expert trained professionals.

Further support for students is available from the Student Association who can be contacted through Facebook, Twitter and their website www.westlothiansa.co.uk.

West Lothian College students who need help in these uncertain times can access a wide range of services.