West Lothian College helps students to bridge the gap between education and employment

West Lothian College held their annual jobs fair on Tuesday 4 June.

The jobs fair allows the college to build and sustain relationships with local employers while providing opportunities for students to gain work or work experience within their field of study.

West Lothian College holds employer engagement and the associated industry links in the highest regard. As a college we are continually striving to establish and develop these links in order to enrich the learning experience for our students whilst supporting local businesses and community groups in the process.

The event was attended by 33 Businesses promoting part/full time and seasonal positions to those looking to gain employment. The event was open to college students and the wider community with 272 job seekers browse the stalls, looking to gain employment. Many of those attended securing interviews!

Elaine Campbell Employer Engagement Officer at West Lothian College commented “ The event was arranged to assist students looking to progress on from college to employment as well as supporting local businesses to recruit their next employee from a pipeline of graduates. The invitation was also extended to our community and school senior phase to those looking to secure jobs.  This was a fantastic day and great to see education and industry coming together, building stronger links and collaboration for both parties. The feedback from both employers and students was very positive which was great to hear.”