Places still available at West Lothian College


West Lothian College is encouraging anyone who has just received their exam results to get in touch to find out what the college can offer them.

Students looking to further their education, choose a schools course or learn more before moving on to university could still take a place on one of the courses starting at the college this autumn.

If any students wish to get in touch with a member of the college team they are encouraged to contact 01506 427835/605 or email where a member of staff will be on hand to offer advice and guidance.

With 20 courses offering a direct pathway to 2nd or even 3rd year of a degree at university, usually no more than 20 in a class, the college is keen to highlight the many benefits of studying locally.

Simon Earp, Vice Principal said:

“Whether you did better than expected or didn’t do as well as you hoped with your exams, we are here as a college to fully support you to achieve your potential. We have a range of courses available, whether you are staying on in school or planning on leaving this summer. Our staff are on hand to help you make the right decision for your future so please do get in touch where a member of our team will talk you through all the options available and answer any questions you may have.

Whilst some of our courses will initially be undertaken online, we know that the learning and support that all our students will receive will provide the experience and benefits they are looking for.

Full details of start dates, learning approach and FAQs for 2020 courses can be found here:

To find a course through clearing visit: