Staff and students from West Lothian College took to social media recently to say why the love college.
As part of a sector wide campaign called #LoveScotlandsColleges, staff, students and other stakeholders were encouraged to get online and talk about why colleges are important to them. From Monday, November 30 until Friday, December 4 people all over Scotland were sharing their reasons for loving Scotland’s colleges.
Lecturer Claudia Nasseri said on Twitter: “There are so many reasons I are just a few. College is a life changing stepping stone for thousands of learners every single year. Proud to be a small part of the journey at West Lothian College.”
Learning & Development Officer Julia Simpson tweeted: “As an employee at West Lothian College I love how valued I'm made to feel. Knowing my role makes a difference to others I work with, in addition to networking and promotion of the college more widely. I've developed both professionally and personally as a result #LoveScotlandsColleges.”
Students spoke about why they love going to college as well, Adam Warnock, who studies NQ Creative Industries, said: “I love college because it gives you that freedom to express who you are as an individual, you can go and find anything you want to do and just do it. Yeah, you’ll need to work for it but the harder you work the better you will succeed in life so college helps you get to where you want to go.”
Principal of West Lothian College, Jackie Galbraith also expressed why she loves colleges: “Colleges make a huge difference to people, communities and our economy. It’s a pleasure for me to come to work every day somewhere I know I’m making a difference to so many peoples’ lives.
“Colleges across Scotland have come together and made massive changes over the past few months and what we’ve achieved really is a testament to the fantastic people who work in the industry.”
If you’ve been inspired by what you’ve seen on social media you can apply for a course today! Just visit: