Kickstart scheme
If you are looking to access the government’s £2billion Kickstart Scheme to create a 100% funded job, or jobs, for 16 to 24-year-olds, West Lothian College is able to act as a representative and can support you with your application submission and beyond.
Any organisation, regardless of size, can apply for funding, and there is no limit on the number of six-month job placements you can request. However, if you are employing less than 30 Kickstart roles you need to apply through an intermediary representative organisation.
We can also offer wraparound support services which can be claimed as part of your application, up to £1,500 per placement. This can include employment support, set up costs, training and equipment costs.
The job placements created with Kickstart funding must be new jobs and must not:
• Replace existing or planned vacancies
• Cause existing employees or contractors to lose or reduce their employment
The roles you are applying for should:
• Be for a minimum of 25 hours per week, for six months
• Be paid at least the National Minimum Wage for their age group
• Not require people to undertake extensive training before they begin the job placement
• Help the participants to develop their skills and experience, including:
o support to look for long-term work, including career advice and setting goals.
o support with CV and interview preparations.
o supporting the participant with basic skills, such as attendance, timekeeping and teamwork.
For more information please contact
You can find out more about Kicksart here, and download the registration form below.