Graduation 2020
The day has finally arrived for our class of 2020 to #GraduateAtHome
As a college we recognise the hard work, commitment and dedication of all our students who complete their course successfully with us each year.
Our HN graduation ceremony is usually one of the highlights of the year for students, their families, and college staff. It is a celebration of our students achievements and hard work. Due to the pandemic it is not possible to hold a ceremony on our campus this year.
Although Covid-19 means we are not able to hold large scale events, we still wanted to recognise and celebrate the success of all Higher National students and we are delighted to hold our first ever ‘West Lothian College Graduate at Home’ event, which takes place from 6pm on Thursday 29th October.
This ceremony will allow all eligible students (those who successfully completed a level 7 or above course in 2020) to celebrate their achievements with family and friends, whilst hearing from our Principal, Chair, special guest speakers and lecturers as part of the ceremony.
The event is now live and we encourage all students to dress in their Graduation gowns, celebrate with those in your household or bubble, take your graduation photos and watch our ‘Well done to the class of 2020’ messages from our speakers as you graduate at home.
As the videos are hosted on our Youtube and Social Media channels we encourage not just those graduating and their families and friends to celebrate, but everyone. West Lothian College is part of the wider community and we welcome anyone who wants to celebrate the achievements of the 2020 students or hear from our speakers to tune in on the evening.
Below you will find the information on how to access the videos, how to get involved in the event and the running order for the evening.
How to access the videos
Our videos are now live on our Youtube and Social Media channels. You don't need any log in details or to sign up, simply follow this link to watch the videos from the evening:
If you are graduating and have registered for the ceremony, you will have also had an email and text with details on how to access the videos.
Running order
17.55 Piper
18.00 Welcome —Alex Linkston
18.05 Principal’s Address — Jackie Galbraith
18.15 Guest Speaker — Aidan Martin
18.20 Congratulatory messages — Lecturers and other staff
19.00 Special Awards — introduced by Fiona Hyslop MSP
19.10 Special Awardees receive their awards from Jackie Galbraith
19.20 Ambassador Award — presented by Jackie Galbraith
19.25 Vote of thanks — Jinty Dobson, Student President
19.30 Congratulatory messages — Vice Principals Simon Earp, Sarah-Jane Linton and Jennifer McLaren
19.40 Congratulatory messages — Angela Constance MSP, Neil Findlay MSP, Fiona Hyslop MSP and Hannah Bardell MP
19.45 Close with piper and showreel of photos from 2019-20 classes
How to get involved
To get involved in the ceremony simply post your pictures, send your congratulatory messages and say well done to your class or loved ones by using #GraduateAtHome on social media.
We will collate all the pictures and messages and share them during and after the ceremony.
Graduates, we hope you received your Graduation pack for the evening. We would love to see your pictures with your scroll, cut out hat and certificate!
Well done to the class of 2020
Well done to all graduates who successfully completed their course with us in 2020, a massive achievement and one you should all be really proud of. The below names represent graduands who gave us permission to publish their names for the ceremony.
Faculty of Business, Creative and Enterprise
Well done to our students from the Faculty of Business, Creative and Enterprise who successfully completed their course in 2020.
Faculty of Care, Health and Sport
Well done to our students from the Faculty of Care, Health and Sport who successfully completed their course in 2020.
Faculty of Computing, Engineering and the Built Environment
Well done to our students from the Faculty of Computing, Engineering and the Built Environment who successfully completed their course in 2020.
Well done on your achievements in what truly was a year like no other, something you, your family and friends should be extremely proud of. All the staff and Board are extremely proud of your achievements.
Jackie Galbraith, Principal and Chief Executive and Alex Linkston, Chair of the Board of Governors, would like to share this message of congratulations with you: Well done to the class of 2020
Special Awards
Well done to our special award winners for 2020! They are:
Michael Allan – HNC Events, sponsored by Business Gateway
Sarah Smillie – HNC Contemporary Art Practice, sponsored by Adline Personalised Products
Scott Smith – HNC Cyber Security, sponsored by JLCom
Thomas Lawson – HNC Applied Science, sponsored by JL Com
Mark Taylor – HND Fitness, Health and Exercise, Sponsored by Curries Print Centre
SQA student of the year
Costica Darie – HNC Childhood Practice
Thank you to our sponsors and friends of West Lothian College
A massive thank you to our sponsors and friends of the college who supported and sponsored the 2020 Graduation. They are:
West Lothian Council - Business Gateway
After the event
If you would like more information or have any questions about the event, send us an email to
The videos will also be live on our Youtube channel after the ceremony for everyone to watch in their own time.
And remember, post your pictures, send your congratulatory messages and say well done to your class or loved ones by using #GraduateAtHome on social media