Developing the Young Workforce to host week of webinars

Developing the Young Workforce are hosting a week-long series of interactive virtual webinar episodes this August
DYW Up2U runs from 24th-28th August. DYW Up2U is aimed primarily at 2020 summer and winter school leavers. However, the content is relevant to any young person (16-24) or parents/carers seeking insight into a variety of pathways and next steps.
Over the week they will broadcast five live webinar sessions of panel discussions with industry professionals, young people and specialists. Facilitated by comedian and keynote speaker Gavin Oattes, there will be 20 minutes of discussion with panellists followed by a live Q&A where young people will have the opportunity to interact and ask questions.
The five events will be broadcast live over the course of the week with one event per day and will focus on the following pathways:
Monday 24th August (2pm-2:40pm) - Jobs & Apprenticeships
Tuesday 25th August (2pm-2:40pm) - College
Wednesday 26th August (2pm-2:40pm) - University
Thursday 27th August (2pm-2:40pm) - Training & Volunteering
Friday 28th August – One Small Step with Gavin Oattes
Anyone who wishes to register for the event, should visit