West Lothian College is led by a Board of Management who provide strategic leadership, direction, support and guidance to the College.
The Principal and the Senior Team undertake the management functions of the College and report directly to the Board.
Board information can be viewed below, otherwise you can view our Board Members information here
Standing Orders
Standing Orders can be downloaded as a PDF by clicking here.
Scheme of Delegation
Scheme of Delegation can be downloaded as a PDF by clicking here.
Terms of Reference for Committees
Committee terms of reference can be downloaded as a PDF by clicking here.
Code of Conduct
The Code of Conduct document can be downloaded as a PDF by clicking here. Code of Conduct 2022
Register of Interests
All Members of the Board of Governors have registered any interest, financial or otherwise, which is likely or would be perceived as being likely to interfere with the exercise of their independent judgement. The most recent Register of Interests of Board Members can be viewed here.
Whistleblowing Policy and Procedure
The Whistleblowing Policy and Procedure can be downloaded as a PDF by clicking here.
Board Effectiveness
The final report from the externally facilitated Board effectiveness review is available here.