Claire Renwick, Level 6 Hairdressing

Claire Renwick is preparing to start Level 6 Hairdressing after beginning her college journey with Preparation for Hairdressing before going on to complete Level 5 hairdressing.

She is relishing the challenges the course sets as she trains for a career she has dreamed of since childhood

“Before college, I worked in a warehouse for years then left to have my little boy. Hairdressing has been a dream of mine since I was little but I never had the confidence to pursue it.

I have a stammer, so I thought I'd never get far in college, but I've never felt more at home than I do here! The lecturers are so accommodating and they're always willing to help.

There are always opportunities to volunteer with college, I helped at The Gathering in Glasgow with some of the girls in my class where we did people's hair all day.

Not only does it help the college but it really helps with your self-confidence too. It’s definitely been my highlight of Level 5!

I'm now moving onto Level 6 and I can't wait to continue on this journey, I've made some lifelong friends. We've become a little family!”

Claire is quick to admit although there is a large fun aspect to the course, it’s not always plain sailing.

“It's been a difficult two years at times, I've definitely had a few wobbles where I lost some confidence in myself but the lecturers and my peers were always there to give me a pep talk and pull me right out of that mind-set and put me back in the place I needed to be.

It can be hard to juggle home life with your college work too - I have a 4 year old (very hyper!) son and an 11 year old stepson, my partner and I are also going through the process of becoming respite foster carers which takes up a lot of time.

It just takes some discipline at times when you have deadlines coming up.”

Claire remembers the start of a new term can for a lot of people be very daunting and with that in mind she had the following advice for anyone about to begin their own journey at West Lothian College

“Always ask for help when you need it, keep your head down, believe in yourself and your capabilities and never stop practicing at home.

It's crazy how many of your friends are willing to help you out when they're getting a wash and blow dry out of it!”