Students from SVQ Level 3 Hairdressing recently organised an avant garde hair show to showcase their skills to friends, family and other college students.
The students have spent their time on the course developing their individuality and coming up with creative new methods and techniques for styling hair, helping to prepare them for employment when they complete their course in summer.
With the support of lecturers Natasha Gallacher and Lynsey Dunbar, the students each selected an individual theme and constructed a style around this, including pairing their style with clothing, accessories and make-up, as is done in professional hairdressing competitions.
The competition was judged by representatives of Hair and co. in Bo’ness, who had the difficult task of selecting a winner. After discussion, first place was awarded to Lynne Hill, second place to Kirsten Kelsey and third place to Elizabeth Blellock.
Tracy Dalling, Centre Head for Hairdressing and Beauty Therapy said: “I have to congratulate our students for putting on such a fantastic show. The event was a great opportunity to showcase their creative skills and this should stand them in good stead when they move into employment.”