Induction Dates 2023

We know that it is important for students to know what days they will be in college in advance of starting with us, so we have provided a list of your induction days below.
You should arrive by 9.15am for the AM sessions and by 1.15pm for the PM sessions.
The central induction sessions will start at 9.30am and 1.30pm. You will meet in your class beforehand then go down to the sports hall with your group.
Each subject belongs to a faculty within the college, each of which provides wider support, guidance and a teaching network to ensure you have the best possible college experience.
Access, Employability and Schools
If you are studying Languages, ESOL or Assisted Programmes you will belong to the Faculty for Access, Employability and Schools.
Business, Creative and Enterprise
If you are studying Accounting, Business, Creative, Hairdressing, Beauty Therapy or Professional Cookery you will belong to the Faculty for Business, Creative and Enterprise.
Care, Health and Sport
If you are studying Childhood Practice, Sport and Fitness, Health and Social Care or Social Science you will belong to the Faculty for Care, Health and Sport.
Computing, Engineering and the Built Environment
If you are studying Built Environment, Engineering, Construction, Computing, Automotive Engineering or Science you will belong to the Faculty for Computing, Engineering and the Built Environment.
Timetables for all faculties have now been published and you can view these by clicking on this link CLICK HERE