Let Data Drive You!

The Edinburgh and South East Scotland City Region Deal is investing £25 million in eight employability and skills-based projects to overcome barriers those from disadvantaged communities face when it comes to enhancing employability.

West Lothian College, along with partner colleges, will create opportunities to seize the data economy for disadvantaged communities across the City Region and address gender inequality in the tech sector. With the goal of transforming the region into a digital powerhouse the Deal aims to make Edinburgh and South East Scotland the data capital of Europe.

What is the Edinburgh and South East Scotland City Region Deal?

The Edinburgh and South East City Region Deal comprises six local authorities who are working together with regional universities, colleges and the private sector, as well as the UK and Scottish Government, to drive productivity and growth while addressing inequalities and deprivation.

How will you benefit?

Through the Date Driven Innovation (DDI) Skills Gateway project, West Lothian College is delivering free, blended learning data science courses aimed at women looking to re-enter the workplace after taking a break. These courses offer a flexible learning environment to fit around your other commitments. On completion of your course you will gain a National Progression Award qualification which can be used to enter employment in the digital sector or progress to the next level of further study.

You can view the courses here:

Why consider a future in the digital data sector?

Scotland’s digital sector continues to flourish, which generates over £6billion towards the Scottish economy. Data is now at the heart of almost every sector and is a big part of our lives, from personal privacy to public health, wealth creation to environmental protection. IT's an important factor for employers, whether large or small businesses, public sector organisations or charities, because using data to create or improve products and services is key to unlocking economic growth and job creation.

With this emerging economy there are countless opportunities for personal and professional growth, whether it be in medicine, manufacturing, data security or any of the many areas in which these skills can help you progress.

Is this course right for you?

Women with the passion, drive and commitment to develop their digital skills towards a positive future in the digital sector should consider what we have to offer. We have provided a list below of specific groups who may benefit from what we have to offer the DDI Skills Gateway Project.

• Long-term unemployed who would like to enhance employability and
explore a potential new career pathway.

• Adult learners considering returning to further study to enhance
employability or explore the possibility of a career change.

• Women returning to further study who wish to explore careers in the
digital sector, previously discouraged by gender inequality.

Further Information

If you cannot find what you are looking for with us, please feel free to look at the other Data Science courses being offered by our partners: Borders CollegeFife College and Edinburgh College.