2020 Graduation announcement
As a college we recognise the hard work, commitment and dedication of all our students who complete their course successfully with us each year.
Your last few months at college was not what you expected it to be and you needed to change the way you studied and learned. We know how hard this was for everyone.
Our HN graduation ceremony is usually one of the highlights of the year for students, their families, and college staff. It is a celebration of your achievements and hard work. Due to the pandemic it is not possible to hold a ceremony on our campus this year.
Although Covid-19 means we are not able to hold large scale events, we still want to recognise and celebrate the success of all Higher National students and we are delighted to announce that we will be holding the first ever ‘West Lothian College Graduate at Home’ event.
This ceremony will allow all eligible students (those who successfully completed a level 7 or above course in 2020) to celebrate their achievements with family and friends, whilst hearing from our Principal, Chair, special guest speakers and lecturers as part of the ceremony.
Graduates will have the opportunity to hire a gown and we will send all those who register a special Graduation parcel so that you can still celebrate in style and take some great photos of your special day.
The event will take place on Thursday 29 October from 6pm, and we encourage all students to dress in their Graduation gowns, celebrate with those in your household or bubble, take your graduation photos and watch our ‘Well done to the class of 2020’ messages from our speakers as you graduate at home.
How will the ceremony feel?
The ceremony is split into four steps and you can decide what to take part in. These include:
1 – Register for a free graduation pack by 9 October which we will send to your home address
2 – Rent your gown from our suppliers by 16 October and this will be sent to your home address for 29 October (great for your graduation photos)
3 – Tune in to the ceremony on our Facebook, Twitter and Youtube channels from 6pm on 29 October, relax and listen to our guest speaker, your lecturers and our Principal (if you have registered for the free graduation pack you will also get sent a link for the event on the day to your email address)
4 – Enjoy! Celebrate with your family and friends at home and share any pictures from your event on social media by using #GraduateAtHome
What to do next?
To register for this free event and a special graduation pack to remember your achievements, complete the registration form here: https://wlcollege.onlinesurveys.ac.uk/2020-graduation
To rent your gown for the ceremony and get all those graduation shots visit http://www.academygraduations.com/westlothian2020/WLGownHire2020.htm. This link will include details for how you will receive your gown for your home ceremony and how to return after you have celebrated.
Tune in on 29 October to our Facebook, Twitter or Youtube page to watch the ceremony – you will also get sent the links to the videos to your email address if you sign up for the free graduation pack.
If you would like more information or have any questions, send us an email to marketing@west-lothian.ac.uk