

Last year two students joined Sky for a week’s work placement where they had a chance to spend time seeing everything from Technology Incident Management, to seeing the programming behind the systems used in the call centres and finally seeing these systems being used in the call centre.

Sky Technology have been heavily involved in supporting computing students at West Lothian College. Sky helps with a number of activities for the computing students including: database workshops; work placements and Erasmus student placements. Students were fascinated by a careers presentation from Sky on the range, salary and number of IT careers potentially to them. Last year two students joined Sky for a week’s work placement where they had a chance to spend time seeing everything from Technology Incident Management, to seeing the programming behind the systems used in the call centres and finally seeing these systems being used in the call centre. One of these students benefitted hugely from this experience and went on to join Sky as a Support Engineer in one of the technology teams. Supported by Sky this student is now furthering their studies to degree level whilst also working. Shona Finlayson of Sky technology said “the relationship between Sky technology and our local college has had huge benefits for both us and the students and we look forward to continuing this in the future”.

Shona Finlayson, Software Engineering Team Lead