Faculty of Care, Health and Sport

The Faculty of Care, Health and Sport offers a range of courses, delivering qualifications to the Schools/College partnership and full/part time opportunities that are flexible to meet learner needs.  Our faculty includes: Childhood Practice, Healthcare, Social Care, Social Science and Sport and Fitness.

We have many partners locally and across the subject sectors who provide input and progression opportunities, advise on units, subjects, skills and qualities that should be part of each programme of study. This ensures our learners have the best opportunity to enter their destination of choice.

Our staff are well qualified and continue to engage with professional development activity to be able to deliver first class learning and teaching opportunities. All staff are in regular contact with employers, sector partners and community organisations, working in partnership to make practical college courses and workplace learning an integrated experience.

We have invested in our facilities to offer industry standard learning spaces that facilitate high quality practical activity for all subject areas. There is also flexible study space and digital support within the faculty for individual and small group work.

External scrutiny confirms the high quality of work our learners achieve as we continually strive to offer the best possible opportunities for all.