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Skills Boost Prep for College August 7-11 (1)

  • Start date:   August 2023
  • Level of Qualification:   Short Course
  • Course Type:   Short Full-time

Skills Boost Prep for College August 7-11

The course is very relaxed and offers the opportunity to engage with the college campus, other new students and staff before all the existing staff and students return after summer.

If you feel anxious, nervous or unsure about attending college, or if you feel you would just a like a “heads up” about how the college works or looks, then you can enrol on the Skills Boost Prep for College course, free of charge using the enrolment link below.

Start date: 7th August 10am –3pm (every day – away early friday possibly)

End date: 11th August


  • HNC Accounting

    What the course include

    Students will learn about the funding system, personal development, teamwork, resilience, staff and student behaviour expectations, basic IT and communication. There will be a campus tour and talks from a variety of different people who can support new students on their journey.

Why choose this course

Prep for College is a gentle introduction to college for those who may be anxious about coming to college. It is designed to ensure students engage on their courses and gives them the best possible start to the year with introductions to support, staff members and systems in place before the learning begins.

Entry requirements

Students have been offered a place on the Prep for College course if they have secured a place to begin a full or part time course in August 2023.

  • Where it will lead

    The course is designed to ensure students who are unsure about coming to or returning to college do have the confidence and skills to turn up to their courses, enjoy their courses and succeed.

Interview arrangements

There is no interview for the Prep for college courses, and it will be offered to you automatically if you have been offered a place at West Lothian college. It is not mandatory.

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Take that next step in your career and enrol for this course today. If the course is not yet open for enrolment, feel free to ask any questions by clicking make an enquiry.