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  • Start date:   August 2025
  • Level of Qualification:   SCQF Levels 3-5
  • Course Type:   Part-time (Evenings)


If English is not your first language this course will help you develop your confidence and improve your skills and understanding of the English language.

Start date – August 2025 
End date – July 2026 
SCQF Level - 3 - 5 
Mode – Part time (day and evening)

You will be invited into college to be assessed to find the best level for you to start your ESOL learning. The day and time of your English as a Second or Other Language (ESOL) class will depend on your level. After we check the best level for you, you will be allocated a group from the days and times below.

National 5 
A Group 
Tuesday - 6pm-9pm 
Cost - £350

National 4 
A Group 
Friday - 9am-12 noon 
Cost - £325

National 3 
A Group 
Thursday - 6pm-9pm 
Cost - £275

Higher ESOL 
A Group 
Friday - 9am-12 noon
Cost - £375

  • What the course includes

    ESOL courses will allow you to improve your basic language skills and increase your confidence when communicating with family and friends at home or work. You will also develop a level of competence in the skills of listening and speaking using basic English language. You will cover a range of units for example: 

    ESOL for Everyday Life 

    ESOL in Context 


Why choose this course

ESOL courses provide a platform to enhance your understanding of spoken and written English. Completing this course will support your progression to further full time or part time study at college or university. 

Entry requirements

  • Minimum entry requirement- C pass

You will be asked to complete a levelling assessment to make sure you are at the right level for this course.

  • ESOL National 3

    Where it leads

    If you achieve ESOL National 5 you will be able to access full time courses across the college.


    • Entry to the next level of ESOL, or onto other full-time study options at college or university on completing level 5 
    • Higher ESOL is an advanced course for those who have developed ESOL language skills at National 5. Higher ESOL is recognised as equivalent to Higher English for entry to university. 

Interview arrangements

We will invite you to college to assess your level of English language. This takes around two hours. 

Fees, finance and funding

Click here to find out more about funding for this course

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Take that next step in your career and apply for this course today. If the course is not yet open for applications, feel free to ask any questions by clicking make an enquiry.