
West Lothian College Procurement Services provide advice and services for the College’s non-pay expenditure to ensure the College is obtaining value for money in all its transactions. 

Procurement Services advise all the College's Curriculum Areas and Professional Services Departments, on how to purchase goods and services at the optimal balance of price, quality and sustainability while ensuring compliance with legislative requirements including Scottish, UK, World Trade Organisation (WTO) and European Union (EU) Procurement Law.

Procurement Services supports the College in achieving its Strategic Aims by delivering strategic procurement solutions that facilitate excellence in education and enterprise, with a focus on building flourishing communities in our local region. Our objectives are detailed in the Procurement Strategy below.

Procurement Strategy

All contracting authorities with an annual regulated procurement spend above or equal to £5 million must produce an organisational Procurement Strategy under section 15 of the Procurement Reform (Scotland) Act 2014.

While the college is not obligated to produce a strategy under the regulations, due to annual regulated spend being below this threshold, the college has taken the decision to do so, to demonstrate best practice.

The college’s Procurement Strategy was approved by our College Board of Governors and covers the period January 2023 to July 2024. Procurement Strategy

Annual Procurement Report

The Procurement Reform (Scotland) Act 2014 requires all contracting authorities who publish a Procurement Strategy to also prepare and publish an Annual Report on its regulated procurement activity.

The College’s Annual Procurement Report was approved by our College Board of Governors and covers the Financial Year 2021-2022.

Contracts and APUC

West Lothian College is a member of Advanced Procurement for Universities and Colleges (APUC) Ltd, Scotland’s Centre of Procurement Expertise for Universities and Colleges. APUC works collaboratively with Universities and Colleges in setting up framework contracts on behalf of the HE/FE Sectors in Scotland. Through its membership of APUC and as a public body, the College also has access to the following:

  • National Higher and Further Education Framework Contracts.
  • Scottish Public Sector Framework Contracts established by Scottish Procurement (Scottish Procurement and Commercial Directorate); and
  • Crown Commercial Services Framework Contracts.

Where the College requires goods, services or works not covered by the Framework Contracts above, or it is determined that a local institutional contract would offer better value, the College complies with limits stipulated in the College Financial Regulations and Procurement Policy and Procedure, as well as national and international procurement legislation and regulations.

Advertising Our Requirements

In line with Scottish Government guidelines, the College will advertise all procurements, not covered by an existing Framework, above £50,000 on Public Contracts Scotland (PCS) and/or through Public Contacts Scotland – Tender (PCS-T) (the Scottish Public Sector eTendering Tool). Suppliers should register with Public Contracts Scotland to be alerted to any procurement opportunities within the College.


The College works to identify ways in which procurement can deliver innovation and growth; promotion of jobs and training opportunities; and making it easier for SMEs to access and compete effectively for public-sector business.

All staff involved in the procurement of works, goods and services are encouraged to manage that procurement activity in a way that:

  • maximises the environmental and social benefits of public investment;
  • minimises any adverse environmental impacts from the procurement of works, goods and services;
  • allows the College to make a material contribution to the achievement of the Government's National Performance Framework outcomes;
  • achieves these goals whilst delivering best value and compliance with Scottish, UK, WTO and EU Procurement Law.

All tenderers are required to sign and agree to the Sustain Supply Chain Code of Conduct developed by the Sustain Project on behalf of the Higher Education and Further Education (HE/FE) sectors.

Supplier Development Programme

The College recommends the Supplier Development Programme, which offers free training, support and information to SMEs and 3rd sector organisations interested in working with the public sector. Suppliers will also find there, details of external events that may be of interest.

Current Contracts

The Procurement Reform Act (2014) requires that the College must maintain a public facing contract register for all contracts over £50,000. The College’s Contract Register is available to view.

College Terms and Conditions

West Lothian College’s Terms and Conditions apply to all purchases made by the College unless otherwise agreed in writing.

No Purchase Order / No Payment

The College operates formalised Procurement and Finance processes to support a more efficient 'Purchase to Pay' process. As a direct result of this, the majority of orders for goods and services must be placed using an official purchase order from the College’s electronic procurement system, PECOS.

The purchase order placed will provide details of the requirement, the delivery and invoice addresses, and will specifically contain a 5 digit number beginning with WL which must be quoted on any invoice submitted for payment. Where an invoice is submitted without a valid purchase order number quoted these will not be processed or paid.

Unless specific contract terms have been agreed, the College’s standard payment terms are 30 days from receipt of a valid invoice, and an invoice will only be deemed valid if a purchase order number is quoted upon it.

Procurement Team

Any questions relating to procurement of goods and services should be directed in the first instance to Please note, unsolicited sales emails will be deleted without response.